My Blog List

Thursday 24 December 2015

Happy chirstmas 2015

"Best friends are to friendship like Christmas is to the other holidays:always on top.Have a merry one".

As a Web designer .Wish you #

 I developed this page today. If u want this code site source ,U can download this link :) 

Download : Click me 

Languages : 

                          2.Pure Css-5 ( Webkit,Animation,Keyframe )

pure css SantaClaus antaClaus  made with  by Rajkumar

Monday 9 November 2015

Happy Diwali -2015

                                       Diwali night is full of lights, Crackers may your life be filled with colors and lights of happiness. 

As a Web designer .Wish you #HappyDiwali to my dear friends.  . 

Okay Let's come to the point !

                                  I developed this page today. If u want this code site source ,U can download this link :) 

Language : HTML5 (Canvas Tag)

Download Here : ClickMe

Sunday 30 August 2015

Creating Virtual Table in PHP

                                   We are did many project using PHP. Most of the times we did  INSERT,EDIT,UPDATE,DELETE .
I can't do on a small project. I already have too much work. Like create a database,table,DB connection etc. I will not do this kind of works for small projects. 

                                  I have a best idea for all action(insert,delete,update,etc) with out creating for Database. I attached for PHP script. I hope, It's very useful for web-developers.


                    2.Reduce work  


                    4.Easy to use

                    It's not security. Avoid this script while doing a secure project . 

Download Here : ClickMe

Saturday 15 August 2015

Happy Independence Day -2015

                  Time to Replace ‪#‎APJAbdulKalam‬ in our rupee note instead of ‪#‎gandhi‬...Proud To Be ‪#‎Indian ...!               
                                   As a Web-designer . I wish to all . #HappyIndependenceDay. :) 

Okay Let's come to the point !

             I developed this page today. If u want this code site source,U can download this link :) 
Download here : Click me 

Thursday 13 August 2015

PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites PDF (Free Download )

                         This PDF is very special for me. Because I learned

PHP in this pdf . And this is book used by my project too . Many 

peoples are suggest me . So I very happy to share this post. I hope 

U will be download this PDF . I attached download link for given 


 Thank you...!

Why this PDF compares to my other PDF

◆ QuickStart Guide PHP for the World Wide Web: Visual

◆ Visual QuickPro Guide PHP 5 Advanced for the World Wide Web:

◆ MySQL: Visual Quick Start Guide

Download HereClick me

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Questions About Website Content To Client

Hello Developers !!! This post are very useful for web-designers.  Getting website information to through by client. Client was no-idea about website and They don't know about what is content will be come to website ? They had no idea.
But I have one solution. We will ask some questions to client. I give some questions about website. If u want more questions u download my word file. I attached Download link.

Questions About website

*Company Name
 To be displayed as It is on Website 
( Write with correct spacing, character style and Spelling)
*Contact Person
Designation of Contact Person
*Street Address
*Postal Code
*Land Line Phone(s)
*Fax Number
*Mobile Phone
Reliance Phone (if any)
*Email Address
Alternate Email Address (if any)

More Questions Download : Click here

Monday 10 August 2015

PHP-Chatting Application:

                           I attached my cool project for Chatting Application . This project done by group chatting without no issues. I’m really happy to share this. I developed  language in PHP and I’m using SQL Database. :)

List of uses :
               1. Group application.
            2. Different message tone.
            3. Using basic smilee
            4. change font ,color,size
            5.  mentioned to chatting peoples
            6. view list of online people
            7. user friendly
            8. put your own office name and logo.
            9. Change theme
                 1. Any platform.
            2. Install Wamp or Lamp
            3. browser (Avoid IE browser)
            4. Need  10 MB space (Max...)
Download here : Click me

                                    No Survey ! No Cost !

          Free !              Free !                    Free !

I will update soon for One To One Chatting Application

Friday 7 August 2015

PPT Presentation for As a Web designer Style--> Example 2

                         Hello Guys... I hope u enjoy for my older 
post (Example-1). 

Many users are recommended to update for another example Project (presentation using by browser ). 

Now I have attached for another project . :) 

Thank you Guys...!
Download here : Click me 

Thursday 30 July 2015

Digital Marketing Overview

                        Digital marketing is  name of signifies is marketing all over the internet through by various digital devices.
 Marketing all over the world is getting dependent on digital technology. For Example managing content,  conducting market research through web analytic ,reaching market segments  Etc....!

                 We are doing marketing activities like advertising, promotion, branding, creating utility, value proposition, etc. 
All are done over the internet using digital devices like laptops, palmtops, tablets, etc., it is called Digital Marketing.

6 step process 


Bringing targeted traffic

Lead Generation

   This is just overview. We will start the learning from  next block  .
Thank you...!    

Monday 20 July 2015

Collection of Cheat Sheets

                                 Here I attached collection of Cheat Sheets(wordPress, PHP,CSS,HTML,Jquery,Javascript) .  cheat sheets can be time safer ..  you can write code simple and amazing . I have rounded up a selection of cheat sheets that you should surly useful and you can change new through. Thank you ..

Saturday 18 July 2015

How to Create Responsive Menu Bar With out framework :)

     Now a days most of the peoples are creating responsive websites. Because responsive websites are very easy to convey any browser, smart phone ,tablet ect... 

      Responsive website are automatically fixed size in different medium. Here we learn How to Create Responsive Menu Bar With out framework .This is very simple concept.Web designers/developers are must be learned . I attached my own tutorial video URL through by English.  

Click here : Watch video 

W3 School Website Offline 2015 :D

        W3 school is famous web development site . I believe, You visit w3 school website regularly. Unfortunately you have some problems in internet connection.  but This website very important for you.. How can you do ? No problem :) . I hacked last week using by SQL injection . I had full database for w3 school .
          Now,  I have w3 School Full Website For Offline 2015 And High Compressed Too  . You can learn any time with out internet connection. I attached download link. I am very happy to share this website . Don't forget !!! Share Your friends :) 

Download link :  Click me 

                  Thank you for downloading  

Wednesday 15 July 2015

PPT Presentation for As a Web designer Style ... :)

        Excellent Presentation skill are improving our confident skill.  PPT Presentation using by our confident level, convey my  thoughts , sharing our knowledge . Most of the peoples are using power point presentation software. you know guys ? power point estimates over 3k millions . It's is last year survey. 

      Okay! I come to the point . As a "web designers/developers " we are presentation will be very unique way .  Then how will convey our thoughts . I have some unique idea .. we will presentation using by browser .  I have some example project. 

Example 1 :
Download here : ClickME
Example 2---> Click me

Sunday 12 July 2015

Light Weight Gallery

           Javascript at this higher level is extremely easy to interaction to users.This 

kind of function is  everyone should learn. To use as part of learning many 

Javascript library. It's very interesting... :) 

           It's very useful for web designers ... (Designing Purpose)

Download: Click Here

Saturday 11 July 2015

Free Download Password Checker :)

 Source for creating a validation Html File That Should Contains 
                      numbers & special character.

It's very useful for web designers ... (Validation Purpose)
The download link attach bellow :) 

Download :  Click Me 

Friday 10 July 2015

Download Display Human Relative Date and times PHP Script

Advantage Human Relative PHP Script :
  1. This PHP script are used by easy to calculate future plans And duration of timing ..
  2. Easy and quick to set reminders.                                                   
  3.  Set one-off task, or repeat it daily, weekly, monthly,Weekdays,Yearly.                                                           
  4. Send birthday wishes to your friends.         
    It's very useful for PHP Developers... I       attached          Download link ... :)  
    Download Here :   Click me

Official Color Codes for the World's biggest Brands

Official Color Codes for the World's biggest Brands 
                                   A good place to look for brand's colors is in their logos. Sometimes you'll get lucky and stumble across a handy brand or identity guidelines document that lists them all along with their HEX value, but usually your best bet is just pull the colors right out of the logos.
A few things to keep in mind:
  • The higher resolution the logo the better. They're usually less distorted which can sometimes affect color.
  • You can often find high resolution logos on company's Press or About pages. Poke around a bit, they're usually there.
  • Try to pick the color out of a flat section of the logo — gradients are bad.
  • Sometimes color picker apps are slightly incorrect. Instead, open the image in a photo editor like Photoshop and use that color picker.
  • If multiple colors are there, include them all in your issue.
  • When you submit your issue, let me know where you got the color and how. If, for example, you're a designer at XYZ Corp and know your company's exact brand color, telling me that will save me a lot of time since I won't have to double-check things.

Free Download ::: Click Here 

Thursday 9 July 2015

Upload Image using jQuery with progress in PHP

                                     JQuery has been a used

for several web designers, experienced and newbie alike. 

It is a lot of library for Javascript. It is simplifies script

 with javascript providing very easy to use, And complex 

tasks with Javascript. 

                        Now we See about this blog is How to 

image using jquery with progress in PHP.. It's very useful 

for PHP Developers... I attached Download link ... :) 

Upload Image using jQuery with progress in PHP

        Download Here :   Click Me 

Thank you